Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Love is Magical

So I was reading this novel ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ by John Green, the other day and the beautiful words about love and affection made me laugh, cry and fall in love all at the same time. Love is indeed magical. We do not realize the value of something until we lose it and that is why it is important to take care of people who love us because life is too short to fight.

How frequently do we express our love for the people who are close to us? Well, that must be once in a blue moon, right? Tell them how much you love and value them so that you do not regret anything unsaid when you are on your death bed.

Love molds the beauty of two worlds into one and you are no longer the person you used to be (I know I am being too romantic but then I am allowed to act like this once in a while, right?*smirk*).

Be someone who can be trusted and loyalty will come your way automatically. People who hate love and love stories are just some people who have gone through bad relationships and awful heartbreaks. Remember that you might leave love but love will never leave you. Have a positive outlook towards life and fall in love with it (after all you get to live once, isn't it?).

Give your partner the space and love they require and the sparks will never die. Doubting and questioning your spouse all the time will only cause fights and misunderstandings ending your relationship eventually. Sometimes it is better to remain quiet rather than quarreling over some petty matter.

Relationships are extremely fragile and that is why it is important to take care of them before they die. Find your soul mate in the person you are with by loving them unconditionally. All the best!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Repairing Relationships with Angry Siblings

Dear readers, thanks for reading my articles and giving such an overwhelming response. Today I am going to talk about the fragile relationship between siblings. Siblings are our first best friends and we share an integral part of the life with them. Things become sour when they start fighting over petty matters and the communication gap starts to widen. Repairing relationships with angry siblings can be a tough task but some of the ways are mentioned below:

Talk it through: So, you want to mend your relationships with your siblings? Here is a sure shot way to do so. Talk about things that hurt you and problems that still remain. This can be extremely difficult but once you keep your ego aside and decide on having a heart to heart talk with your sibling, believe me things will start getting better.

Accept your faults: If you and your sibling are not on talking terms then there must be something that went wrong. If you know that it was your fault then take a step (being adamant won’t help). Go to them and apologize for the things that went wrong from your side. Apologizing will make a huge difference and in the long run your sibling will appreciate your effort.

Relationships don’t heal overnight: Repairing relationships with angry siblings can take time so don’t expect things to change overnight. Expecting miracles to happen will only cause disappointment. Have faith and take it slowly, give time to your sibling to understand the value of the relationship and your effort so that he can come back with lots of love.

Efforts are required: Relationships require a lot of efforts and mending a relationship is possible only when both the parties want to do so. Even if one of you is not ready to communicate with the other, things are futile.

Communication is the building block of any relationship and that is why it is important to have a clear communication with your siblings. Keeping grudges in your heart will not serve the purpose. Accept the fact that in spite of being born in the same family, you both are different and he may not like the things that you love. Make the bonds stronger by being the first one to talk. All the best.

You are free to share your problems and views with me on

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Secrets to Successful Long Term Relationship

To make a successful relationship, it is important that both the partners understand each other and are ready to compromise things for each other. Secrets to successful long-term relationship include being by each others side through thick and thin. Some of the secrets are mentioned below:

Trust: Trusting your partner completely will make your relationship a success. Sometimes we start doubting our spouse (especially girls) because we cannot share our loved ones with anyone else; but this is wrong. Give your spouse the space that they need and things will become amazing for you. Let your partner spend time with his friends, this is a man’s way of relaxing and if you keep on nagging him with unnecessary questions, you will only end up fighting.

Communication: good or bad, talk to your spouse about everything that is in your mind. Discuss things that are bothering you and listen to what he wants to say. Be your partner’s confidant and make him feel loved from time to time.

Time: The basic ingredient to make a relationship work is time. Spend time with your partner and express your affection. Go on dates and long drives in spite of your busy schedule. Work and family can wait but make sure you do not compromise on the time that you have to spend with your partner.

Intimacy: Keep the intimacy and spark alive in the relationship to make it strong and long lasting. Small gestures of love like bringing flowers or cooking your partner’s favorite meal will never go out of fashion. Hug and kiss your spouse frequently and make them feel loved so that your relationship becomes stronger.

All the points mentioned above are the secrets to a successful long term relationship. It is very easy to get bored in a long term relationship but what is important is to keep the spark alive. Indulge in things that your partner enjoys and be his friend rather than just a spouse.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Things I would Like to Tell My Younger Self

Sometimes in a marriage we start thinking of things that went wrong, some things that could be changed and some things that we regret and we feel like writing a letter to our younger self to refrain from doing all those mistakes. Things I would like to tell my younger self are mentioned below:

Well, if given a chance to tell certain things to my younger self, I would definitely tell myself not to marry (pun intended). I would tell myself that be with the person who makes you happy and content. Marriage is one of the most fulfilling relationships and if you are not happy in it, it is irrelevant to stay married.

For all the readers who are wondering what my next point would be, well it is to avoid fights. Fights are good for a relationship but having arguments daily can take the life out of the relationship. To make a bonding successful, it is important to know how to resolve conflicts and forget the mistakes of each other.

From my relationship I have learnt not to have unrealistic expectations from your partner. Among the things that I would like to tell my younger self, I would tell myself to be more giving and less expecting. True peace comes from being there for each other. It is absolutely wrong to expect things from your partner that you would never do on your own.

Respecting each other and being a support system for your spouse is another thing that couples these days should keep in mind. A successful marriage is a result of lots of respect. Couples who do not respect each other are often the ones who end up being separated from each other. When friends and family leave you, you will only have your spouse beside you, being your support.

Have your priorities set in order to have a happy married life. Make your partner your priority and you will never fail in a relationship. Work and children can wait but if the intimacy in the relationship is lost, it can never be regained. Make time for your partner and go on dates and long drives, talk to your partner about your feelings and listen to what he wants to say.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Unmistakable Signs That He’s Not Interested in You

Hello dear readers, I am back with yet another interesting topic that will save many a girls from falling into a wrong relationship. Falling in love can be an awesome experience but be sure that the other person loves you the same way because many a times we tend to ignore some unmistakable signs that he’s not interested and regret it later. Some of the most common signs that he is not into you are mentioned below:

Flirts with other girls: One of the most common signs that he is not interested in you is when he flirts with other girls in front of you. He passes comments and talks about other girls in front of you, not just this, he also talks about the other girl in his life and how charming she looks. Make sure you don’t fool yourself if this is the scenario because chances are he is just playing with your feelings.

Does not plan a date: Do you always ask the man out for dinner date? If yes then you are doing it wrong. A man who loves you will ask you out and plan a beautiful date with you. He is not busy with work, he is simply not planning because he does not want to get involved with you.

Lets you pay: Another important sign showing that he is not interested in you is when he lets you pay for everything that you two do together. From paying bills on dates to paying for the shopping that he does, if you are paying all the bills then your love is one sided. A man who loves a woman will never let her pay for anything even if she insists on doing so.

All the points mentioned above will help the girls who are living is a dream world about their relationship. Sometimes it is important to have a practical outlook towards life so that a filthy heartbreak can be avoided.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

A Letter to My Future Son

Dear son,

Relationships are hard to make and harder to nurture but once you know the value of a relationship, things become easier. Life is like a roller coaster ride where you have no idea about the next turn.

First date would be amazing and you will be extremely excited to be with the girl of your dreams. Knowingly unknowingly you will have the best time of your life that you will cherish throughout.

Just remember that not all things are permanent and people must leave. Your first relationship will also come to an end because of the priorities that you set. It is at that time when you will realize how difficult it is to overcome a break-up.

Everyone goes through this phase sometime or the other in their lives. It is important that you stay brave and do not lose hope in relationships. If a relationship has come to an end that does not mean a new one will never blossom.

Do not hurry yourself into another relationship as soon as one ends. Give yourself some time to heal and then only enter the next. Enter a relationship when you are ready and not when you are bored.

Don’t sleep with every girl that you get a chance to sleep with because one day someone will come into your life and at that time your past will matter. Don’t make it too ugly to be acceptable. Love will come to you some day; you just have to be patient.

One day you will find the girl of your dreams and you will know it. God has its own ways of teaching us things that are important for us. Have fun in your life and enjoy every moment. Life is too short to remain sad. Go out with friends, watch movies and party hard but don’t cling on to the memories of the past. It will only bring sadness.

One day you will have a beautiful family and I am sure you will forward this piece of advice to your son.


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

How to Make a Blind Date Successful

Being back after a break is refreshing and here I am to share with you some tips on how to make a blind date successful. Blind date which is a social engagement of two people who have not met before is a common thing these days. Every day people meet up to befriend each other and try to start a relationship. I am sharing with you ways in which a blind date can be made successful:

Presentation: It is important to present yourself well when you go on a blind date as the person you are meeting is an absolute stranger. Just like a job interview, the first thing a person looks for is the kind of dress you are wearing and how you are carrying yourself. Also, do not over dress yourself like you are going on a wedding but be sure that you are well dressed

Conversation: So, you are going on a blind date? Make sure you strike a conversation if the other person is unable to do so. Be casual and do not talk about personal things until and unless the other person does so. Be funny and make your date happy because chances are she is equally tensed about the date. Don’t think if it is going to work or not, just be a gentleman and enjoy your date

Don’t go on dinner: How to make a blind date successful is one of the most common questions asked by youngsters these days. To make a blind date successful it is important to meet at a place that is public and where you can talk freely. Make sure that you don’t go on dinner because if the date is boring then too you have to sit in the restaurant till the end and for boys it becomes a compulsion to pay the bill even if they are not willing to do so after a bad date (poor luck)

Friday, 25 July 2014

Find Your Soul mate

Everyone wants to be with the person who is loving, caring and understanding (in short their soul mate) but in the process of finding the perfect one they do not pay attention on the person who can be a perfect partner. For all the readers who believe in the concept of soul mates, this piece of writing is dedicated to you. Some of the ways to find your soul mate are mentioned below:

Love yourself: To find the person who can love you unconditionally, you have to love yourself first. No matter how many flaws you have, love thyself and only then will someone else love you. Be confident in yourself and don’t let anyone bring you down. Have faith that things will eventually fall to the right place and you will be with the person who is right for you.

Don’t be hesitant: Attend parties and date a lot of people before you finally settle down for someone you think is perfect (imperfections come into scene only after marriage). Don’t be hesitant is making mistakes because that is the only way of finding the ONE in this huge world. Just remember not to get yourself into an abusive relationship because that will make you hate relationships. Self esteem should be your priority and leave a relationship as soon as it starts to hurt you.

Be patient: All you folks out there, who want to find their soul mate, have patience. Don’t hurry yourself into a relationship because that could be a wrong decision. Make sure you know the person well before you start making future plans of being with them. Also, it is not necessary that your soul mate belongs to the same town as yours and speaks the same language that you do.

For all the waiting souls out there, it is necessary to be calm if you want to meet your perfect someone because it is not easy to get that one person who can take care of you and make you smile through the tears.

Things I Wish I Knew Before My First Relationship

For all the newly hitched couples, it is ok to be a little scared, a little tensed about your first relationship (everyone is). Make sure that you keep your mind open along with your eyes in order to avoid certain mistakes that most of the people tend to make and later regret about the things they wish they knew before the first relationship. Some of the things that should be kept in mind no matter if the relationship is new or old are mentioned below:

Losing mind: Love is an amazing feeling (at least in the beginning) and the adrenaline rush makes you almost crazy. Common sense goes out of the window and you start floating in the air but all these things are common especially if it is your first relationship. Listening to romantic tracks and a sudden love for rains are some of the common things that you might encounter but make sure you do not surpass the level of imagination. Never make long term decisions in the first six months of being together because chances are, you will have a break up.

Fights are normal: Ah! The first fight, damn it hurts a lot but don’t think it’s the end of the relationship. Fights keep the relationship under control and the couple, sane. Make sure you express all your anger and things that made you feel bad so that the anger does not lingers on (which usually does and becomes the reason for the end of a relationship).

Be realistic: ‘I will bring the Moon for you if you ask for it’ (bullshit), which never happens but for sure, it becomes an embarrassing thing in the future. Be realistic about your relationship and don’t build hopes that will probably never be fulfilled. Building castles in the air will only lead to disappointments. Some problems are inevitable and it is important that you don’t become over emotional about your partner, if it works then wonderful; if it doesn't then you will at least be able to move on in life.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Pros and Cons of Staying Together After Divorce

Now-a-days, with diminishing patience most of the couples are parting their ways without thinking about its effects on the children. Today, I am going to share with you the pros and cons of staying together after divorce for the sake of the children:

One of the most disturbing things about divorce is that children have to suffer a lot without any mistake on their part. They get to see their parents fighting one day after the other (even if they want to see or not) and that causes trauma among the children. Showcasing bad behavior in front of the children can be really damaging and that is why it is important for the parents to showcase good values in front of the children in order to help them shape their future.

Family is one unit and if the parents keep on quarreling children will only attract the negative attributes. Be a responsible parent if you want to see your child grow into a successful individual. I can’t even imagine children living in harmony when the parents are always ready to bring each other down.

Each parent has its own role and living without one can hamper the growth of the child but living with a dysfunctional family where there is no love can be even more damaging. It is the duty of the parents to give their children a secure future by being responsible. Even if you are not in a happy relationship with your spouse, make sure you do not let it show in front of the kids. If you two have decided to stay together for the sake of kids then make sure he is not suffering because of you and if he is, it is better to part ways and stop the trauma.

The points mentioned above will help the parents in deciding what they actually want to do after divorce. Make sure that you take the right decision so as to give the child a better future.

Monday, 21 July 2014

How to Tackle Children that Lie

Tackling children that lie can be a huge problem for the parents and today I am going to discuss the same. Most of the children lie about something or the other just like we adults do and that is why it is completely normal. Some of the ways in which you can tackle your child are mentioned below:

Be patient: When it comes to dealing with your child, make sure that you have a lot of patience. Tackling children is not a child’s play, be calm and patient. Explain your child the severe problems that can arise due to speaking lies. Tell them that it is important to speak the truth so as to be loved and cared for. Threatening the child for speaking lies can make him scared, he can also start lying more often and stop listening to you

Appreciation: How to tackle children that lie is a big question for all the parents and the answer is simple. Appreciate your ward for all the good things that they do, no matter how small or big. Most of the times we ignore the things that our children do and they start feeling left out. Be there for your child and explain him how much you love them for being good. It is my guarantee that your ward will stop lying altogether

Discuss punishment: It is not a big deal to catch a child speaking lies so for the first time be patient and explain him what is expected. Next time tell him what punishment will be given to him in case he lies. Deduction of pocket money, getting grounded for a week and not watching television are some of the ways in which children can understand the importance of speaking the truth

For all the parents who are frustrated with the kind of behavior that their ward is showing, read the above tips and send in your valuable comments. Take care.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Funny Things about Getting Married

Hello dear readers, today I am here with a brand new topic. Where all of you must have heard about marriages, effects and side effects of marriages, I am going to discuss the funny things about getting married. Two people from different walks of life decide of getting married in spite of all there difference and then comes the ‘happy realization’ period when you get to know how different you are from each other and how hilarious and irritating it can be to be married. Some points are mentioned below:

Marrying the whole family: Well, if you are an Indian then this point suits you the best. You not just marry one person but the entire family no matter how irritating they are. His parents should love you and your parents should love him so as to make your relationship possible and happy. On the other hand you have to live according to their life style even if you don’t want to. Some people are lucky enough to get a family who is supportive and values your relationship more than anything else.

Through thick and thin: On your honeymoon, you realize that your husband snores and takes an hour in the washroom to get fresh. Well well, this is just the beginning and get ready for many other things that are going to come up. The point is now you cannot change your decision because you wanted to marry that person. It is better to laugh it off than to cry.

Opposites attract: One of the funny things about getting married is; you get to live with a person who is an absolute opposite of you. You hate the things he likes and he hates things that you love but with time couples tend to sort out their differences. When you start understanding your spouse, things become easy and differences start to diminish.

Above mentioned points are the few things that take place in almost all the relationships, how you deal with them and make your relationship strong is what matters. Take care and keep the love alive.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

How to Deal With a Difficult Mother-In-Law

So finally you got married to the person you love and you are still in a dream where everything is perfect? Think again. One of the deadliest encounters with present is when mother in laws comes in the picture and you realize that all is not perfect. To all my readers who are fed up of their mother in law’s, this one for your poor souls. How to deal with a difficult mother in law can be a challenge but some tips to deal with her are mentioned below:

Patience: Well people if you think that I am a nut case to tell you to be patient with your MIL, I am not. Fighting can never solve anything and to make things better, it is important to sort things out with patience. If you have a problem with her, go talk to her rather than creating a scene and damaging your marital bliss.

Mothers are always important: Everybody has a special place for their mothers in their hearts so before you start saying anything against them, sit and think whether you can hear the same about your mother. No matter how dangerous or difficult your mother-in-law is, be selective about your words in front of your spouse (obviously if you don’t want to start World War 3).

Set boundaries: For men, talk to your wife about the frequent visits of your MIL and why it should not be so (Tip 1- be very calm and polite to be safe). For women, tell your spouse about the things that you don’t like about his mother and why they should be avoided. Make sure that both of you talk in a way that is not hurtful. Have a logical answer for everything when it comes to extended families.

Above mentioned points will help you deal with a difficult mother in law and keep your mind at ease. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the shit (remember she will not change and avoid her) but if she has been the same her whole life, there are rare chances of her changing. All the best people (devilish grin).

Thursday, 17 July 2014

How to Make A Woman Happy

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus but attraction and love are the things that make these opposite planets meet. Men ask how to make a woman happy? How to know what she wants? I can’t understand; why is she so complicated? The simple answer to all these questions is, show love. Rather than taking her out with your friends (which you think is a big deal), take her for a movie, alone. Here I discuss certain ways of making a woman happy:

Don’t be bossy: The mantra to making a woman happy is to be cool and calm with her. Being bossy and ordering her things won’t help. Make sure you let her do what she wants and she will love you back like never before.

Remember her friends: Girls hate reminding the name of their friends again and again, so it is better to remember the name of her close buddies. Even if you hate them, she will feel like you care.

Listen to her: Let your girl speak, most of the times she will hide her feelings but when she wants to speak, let her speak. Just be there and listen to her (even if she talks rubbish). Be patient and always make her feel wanted.

Hugs and kisses: Well, if you are thinking how to make a woman happy; hug and kiss her whenever you get an opportunity. Women love it (even if they don’t say), so make sure you hug her like you mean it (women know when you are lying).

Help her out: No woman on this universe will accept the fact that she needs help but just be a gentleman and carry the heavy packets that she is carrying, at least offer help. Not offering help can be a turn off. 

Express your love: Being loved is a wonderful feeling, so if you truly love her, express it. Women know that you are falling for them but will never take the initial step. Hold her hand and tell her that she means the world to you. Express all your feelings and she will be there for you, forever.

Credit card: Last but not the least, give her your credit card and forget about it until you get updates about it being used innumerable times (wink wink).

Hope my advice works. Stay in love, stay blessed!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Understanding That Not All Relationships Are Meant To Last Forever

Well we should always remember that not all the relationships are meant to last forever. Some people come in our lives to teach us something and others to learn something from us. The problem arises when we deny this fact. I can understand that it can be difficult to totally forget a person who was the center of your universe at one point of time but it is not impossible. Some of the ways of leaving the traumatic past behind and moving on are mentioned below:

Be positive: Never let your dark past overpower you, be positive about yourself. Never think that the break up happened because of you. Treat yourself well and make sure you enjoy every moment of your life. Don’t let someone else be the reason behind your smile, be happy and create happy moments.

Don’t become reclusive: After a relationship ends, most of the people become reclusive and stop interacting with people. Well, I have a question, why let someone else become so important that you completely forget about yourself? Go out and have fun with your friends and family. Travel abroad and make new friends and new memories.

Communicate: Are you really upset that someone left you? One of the best ways to overcome this problem is by communicating with people who are close to you; it can be your friends or your family members. Have at least one person with whom you can share all your joys and sorrows with.

Find a hobby: Getting over someone is not as easy as it might seem so it is important to find a hobby to pass your time. Involve yourself in things that attract you or the things that you always wanted to do but could not. It can be dancing, singing, scuba diving or even Para gliding; just go for it.

Don’t call your ex: one of the common problems of the youth these days is, they find it difficult to let go of things and people. It is OK if someone decided to exit your life, why nag them all the time? Calling and texting your ex will only bring more sorrow. Try to understand that not everyone is meant to be in your life.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Reasons He Broke Up With You

First of all I want to thank all the people for visiting my blog and sending me useful advice, I will try to work on them. Well, today I am going to talk about the reasons behind break-up. We all go through this phase, some mutual some filthy break-ups are always a part of our growing up. Here I share with you some reasons he broke up with you:

Emotional affair: One of the major reasons why men cheat on their partner is because they get emotionally attached with someone else while they are still in a relationship with you. Emotional attachment becomes strong when he starts losing interest in you. It is as simple as saying that one loves too much and the other loves too many.

Both want different things from life: Among the reasons he broke up with you, one is that both the partners want different things from their life. One wants to settle down and the other wants to enjoy being alone. One wants to get started with a new life while the other is not ready to take the responsibility of a new life.

Values do not match: two people who claim to be in love, suddenly fall out of it, well nothing happens suddenly and the reasons were present there all the way. Sometimes when we are with the person who does not reciprocate the same values as we do, we tend to lose interest in them.

Actual issue: While no one wants to go through the saddening phase of break up, sometimes it becomes inevitable to part ways. Mental and physical harassment, infidelity and lies are some of the reasons why it becomes impossible for a person to stay in the relationship. When a woman starts cheating his man, it can be seen in her eyes and can be judged by the way she talks.

The reasons stated above ruin a relationship and make it absolutely impossible for a person to stay in it. It is my advice to all the readers to nurture their relationship with love and care, to compromise on things that cannot be changed so that the relationship blossoms and not end on a break up. All the best!

Monday, 14 July 2014

10 Signs He’s in Love with You

One of the major questions haunting a committed woman is whether his boyfriend loves him or not. Also, it is not easy to judge if you are not just another fling but there are signs that can help you know if your partner really loves you. 10 signs he’s in love with you are mentioned below:

He will bring you flowers: flowers have a deep connection with love, if he brings you roses for no reason, hold on to him.

Social life: if the man you are with really loves you, he will include you in his social life. Whether it is a friend’s get together or a family lunch, he will try to include you everywhere because you mean a lot to him.

Future plans: Do you know about all his future plans and aspirations? Well then, he is head over heels in love with you. Not all girls are lucky enough to know these future secrets.

Movies: Although he is not interested in watching movies, he keeps a track of those that you want to watch. If a guy does this for you, don’t let him go.

Surprises: One of the ways to tell that your partner is in love with you is through the number of surprises that you get. If he loves to surprise you with all the things that you love, he certainly loves you.

Emotional: dudes are not emotional but if he becomes emo for you, he certainly loves you a lot more than you think.

Holds you while you sleep: The person who is serious for you will hold you while you sleep. Men have different ways of showing that they care.

Concern: If you are irritated with the messages ‘have you reached home safely’, ‘are you alright?’ then don’t be. Only someone who truly cares and loves you will do that, be happy if he is doing so.

Mobile becomes unimportant: When you are around him, his mobile phone suddenly becomes unimportant. Facebook, twitter and other social networking sites are no longer in his mind because you are above all those things for him.

Cook: Well if he cooks for you just to make you happy, even when he knows how to cook just one dish. He is absolutely in love with you. Take care and don’t let the person who loves you, leave you.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

You and Me.. and the World

Finally you have found your soul mate and everything is perfect? Take another look; if your partner belongs to a different race, things can be ugly. Family and friends start treating you like alien along with your partner and all sorts of advice start pouring in as to how to leave your partner.

To save your relationship and your partner from all the humiliation, it is important to stick by your partner’s side and be his support. Sometimes family and friends can be extremely hurtful and that is why it is advisable to talk to them about your relationship before you fix a meeting. Sit them down and explain all the good qualities that your partner has and why they should like him too.

Take a stand when it comes to your relationship. Most of the times a relationship come to an end because two people are too weak to handle criticism. Who said that it would be easy to have an interracial relationship? But once you are in it, it is your responsibility to make it work. Be positive and do not overreact if someone stares at you.

Never listen anything against your partner if you want to have a successful relationship. Explain your family and friends that you are capable enough to chose your life partner and if they don’t like him, it is their problem and not yours. Make sure that you are really in love with that person because only then can you come to his defense.

According to a Canadian report, around 4% of all the relationships are interracial. No matter how people react when they see you holding hands or talking, remember that at the end of the day, you have to stay with that person and no one else. There are times when one becomes skeptical of their own choices, it is at that time when you need to remind yourself of all the good qualities that you saw in your partner and why you love him. Make sure that love never dies, all the best.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Quit Social Media to Repair your Relationship

Is your husband sleeping late because he is busy with his Facebook friends or your wife is spending too much time following people on Twitter? Well this can lead to end of your relationship. According to studies, 32% people who remain busy on the internet are likely to dump their partners.

If you want to revive your relationship, take a break with your partner, go on a holiday and quit social media for some time. Hug and kiss your spouse from time to time to show that you care about them more than you care for the networking sites and chat rooms. Sometimes showing intimacy and being with your partner can solve even a nasty fight.It is important to keep the romance alive in the relationship.

Talk to your partner and listen to him so that you have a strong bonding and nothing remains hidden. Communication gap is one of the strongest reasons why people switch to social media’s and divert them from the marital bliss. Be kind and patient, no matter how problematic things become; keep calm.

Don’t be an addict to social networking sites because at the end only your spouse will be there for you. After all it is better to give up the networking addiction rather than sacrificing the whole relationship. Make sure you treat your partner as a priority rather than an option and only then can your relationship become strong.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Why Father is the Best Man in your Life

This one is for all those girls who call themselves ‘daddy’s girl’ and by this I do not mean the girls who use their dads for credit cards, I mean the girls who are truly in love with their dads and cannot live without them. He was always our hero, our idol and that is enough reason for calling them the best man of our lives.

He always takes care of our needs and no matter how difficult it is for him to fulfill them, they are fulfilled. From sneaking an ice cream when mom in not looking, to letting us order pizzas, he is always there to make us feel like a celebrity. And don’t forget all the awesome places that he took us to.

Need advice? Well, he is the first person who comes to our minds. He is the only man who will give us the best advice without expecting anything in return.No matter how silly our problem is, he is someone we can talk to and share all our feelings, good bad and ugly. He will always encourage you to do something big in life and will be there to support you when you fall. The beauty of the relationship can be understood by a few. Dads are a daughter’s best friend and that is why this relationship cannot be compared to any other.

He might be a little possessive, well more than a little but that is how he is. He will make sure that we are going out with a nice guy and he is taking good care of us because he always wants us to be with the perfect person, someone who can love us more than he did. No one can be as loving and caring as a father and that is the biggest reason why he is the best man of any girl’s life.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Tips on Resolving Marital Conflicts

Every relationship has its own share of ups and downs but that is the time when you have to hold on and not lose faith. Always remember that when two people love each other, they can easily go through any problem and sort it out. Some of the best relationship advices are given below:

Marital conflicts are very common; two people who are different from each other will have misunderstanding and will fight. That does not mean that the relationship is over, instead that is right time to talk to your partner and clear whatever is going on in your mind. Have faith that no matter how bad things get, there is always one person you can confide in. Have doubts? Don’t like the attitude? Need time alone? Sit and chat with your spouse rather than shouting and screaming.

Have you given a thought that your partner might have had a bad day at work? If no then think about it. Do not jump on the conclusion without knowing the exact facts. One of the major tips on resolving marital conflict is to stay calm and remain patient. Fights can have a negative effect on your relationship in the future.

 Sometimes we become so irritated with our spouse that we tend to take help from outside. Counseling is another way of resolving marital conflict. A counselor can explain you ways through which you can attain marital bliss. Do not be scared of seeking help; remember that making your relationship strong is your motive.

If you are adamant that you want to make things right between you and your spouse, nothing can come in your way. Marital conflicts are a part of married life but don’t let it ruin your relationship. Never let ego enter your relationship, be the first one to talk, or say sorry. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Keeping your Relationship Strong

Marriage is the second best relationship after blood relationships and that is why one has to put in certain efforts to make it work. A successful relationship requires love, trust and understanding. Keeping your relationship strong is not an easy task but there are certain ways to make it successful, some of which are mentioned below:

 Communication: Communication is very necessary to keep a relationship strong. Talk to your spouse and share all your feelings so that you know what is in their mind and vice versa. Sometimes talking will remove all your doubts and confusions if you have any.

 Never lie: Keeping your relationship strong can be tricky but a must do in any relationship is to stay truthful. A relationship ends when the partners start lying to each other. Trust is the building block of the relation and if it is broken, the marriage comes to an end.

 Expectations: One of the best relationship advices is to stop expecting too much. No relationship is perfect and expecting yours to be a fairy tale love story is absurd. Every relationship has its own share of ups and downs and that is why it is important to be practical. Too many expectations will ruin the relation.

Time: To make your relationship strong, it is important to spend some quality time with your partner. No matter how much busy you are with your office or household work; make time for your spouse and love will never go out of the marriage.

 Sometimes we get so involved with our work that we forget spending time with our spouse and talking to them about our routines. Keeping a relationship strong should be your priority and only then can it be maintained. A little bit of hard work, love and understanding, couples can make their relationship long lasting. Enjoy each moment of your togetherness.