Saturday, 19 July 2014

How to Deal With a Difficult Mother-In-Law

So finally you got married to the person you love and you are still in a dream where everything is perfect? Think again. One of the deadliest encounters with present is when mother in laws comes in the picture and you realize that all is not perfect. To all my readers who are fed up of their mother in law’s, this one for your poor souls. How to deal with a difficult mother in law can be a challenge but some tips to deal with her are mentioned below:

Patience: Well people if you think that I am a nut case to tell you to be patient with your MIL, I am not. Fighting can never solve anything and to make things better, it is important to sort things out with patience. If you have a problem with her, go talk to her rather than creating a scene and damaging your marital bliss.

Mothers are always important: Everybody has a special place for their mothers in their hearts so before you start saying anything against them, sit and think whether you can hear the same about your mother. No matter how dangerous or difficult your mother-in-law is, be selective about your words in front of your spouse (obviously if you don’t want to start World War 3).

Set boundaries: For men, talk to your wife about the frequent visits of your MIL and why it should not be so (Tip 1- be very calm and polite to be safe). For women, tell your spouse about the things that you don’t like about his mother and why they should be avoided. Make sure that both of you talk in a way that is not hurtful. Have a logical answer for everything when it comes to extended families.

Above mentioned points will help you deal with a difficult mother in law and keep your mind at ease. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the shit (remember she will not change and avoid her) but if she has been the same her whole life, there are rare chances of her changing. All the best people (devilish grin).

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