Friday, 25 July 2014

Things I Wish I Knew Before My First Relationship

For all the newly hitched couples, it is ok to be a little scared, a little tensed about your first relationship (everyone is). Make sure that you keep your mind open along with your eyes in order to avoid certain mistakes that most of the people tend to make and later regret about the things they wish they knew before the first relationship. Some of the things that should be kept in mind no matter if the relationship is new or old are mentioned below:

Losing mind: Love is an amazing feeling (at least in the beginning) and the adrenaline rush makes you almost crazy. Common sense goes out of the window and you start floating in the air but all these things are common especially if it is your first relationship. Listening to romantic tracks and a sudden love for rains are some of the common things that you might encounter but make sure you do not surpass the level of imagination. Never make long term decisions in the first six months of being together because chances are, you will have a break up.

Fights are normal: Ah! The first fight, damn it hurts a lot but don’t think it’s the end of the relationship. Fights keep the relationship under control and the couple, sane. Make sure you express all your anger and things that made you feel bad so that the anger does not lingers on (which usually does and becomes the reason for the end of a relationship).

Be realistic: ‘I will bring the Moon for you if you ask for it’ (bullshit), which never happens but for sure, it becomes an embarrassing thing in the future. Be realistic about your relationship and don’t build hopes that will probably never be fulfilled. Building castles in the air will only lead to disappointments. Some problems are inevitable and it is important that you don’t become over emotional about your partner, if it works then wonderful; if it doesn't then you will at least be able to move on in life.

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