Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Love is Magical

So I was reading this novel ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ by John Green, the other day and the beautiful words about love and affection made me laugh, cry and fall in love all at the same time. Love is indeed magical. We do not realize the value of something until we lose it and that is why it is important to take care of people who love us because life is too short to fight.

How frequently do we express our love for the people who are close to us? Well, that must be once in a blue moon, right? Tell them how much you love and value them so that you do not regret anything unsaid when you are on your death bed.

Love molds the beauty of two worlds into one and you are no longer the person you used to be (I know I am being too romantic but then I am allowed to act like this once in a while, right?*smirk*).

Be someone who can be trusted and loyalty will come your way automatically. People who hate love and love stories are just some people who have gone through bad relationships and awful heartbreaks. Remember that you might leave love but love will never leave you. Have a positive outlook towards life and fall in love with it (after all you get to live once, isn't it?).

Give your partner the space and love they require and the sparks will never die. Doubting and questioning your spouse all the time will only cause fights and misunderstandings ending your relationship eventually. Sometimes it is better to remain quiet rather than quarreling over some petty matter.

Relationships are extremely fragile and that is why it is important to take care of them before they die. Find your soul mate in the person you are with by loving them unconditionally. All the best!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Repairing Relationships with Angry Siblings

Dear readers, thanks for reading my articles and giving such an overwhelming response. Today I am going to talk about the fragile relationship between siblings. Siblings are our first best friends and we share an integral part of the life with them. Things become sour when they start fighting over petty matters and the communication gap starts to widen. Repairing relationships with angry siblings can be a tough task but some of the ways are mentioned below:

Talk it through: So, you want to mend your relationships with your siblings? Here is a sure shot way to do so. Talk about things that hurt you and problems that still remain. This can be extremely difficult but once you keep your ego aside and decide on having a heart to heart talk with your sibling, believe me things will start getting better.

Accept your faults: If you and your sibling are not on talking terms then there must be something that went wrong. If you know that it was your fault then take a step (being adamant won’t help). Go to them and apologize for the things that went wrong from your side. Apologizing will make a huge difference and in the long run your sibling will appreciate your effort.

Relationships don’t heal overnight: Repairing relationships with angry siblings can take time so don’t expect things to change overnight. Expecting miracles to happen will only cause disappointment. Have faith and take it slowly, give time to your sibling to understand the value of the relationship and your effort so that he can come back with lots of love.

Efforts are required: Relationships require a lot of efforts and mending a relationship is possible only when both the parties want to do so. Even if one of you is not ready to communicate with the other, things are futile.

Communication is the building block of any relationship and that is why it is important to have a clear communication with your siblings. Keeping grudges in your heart will not serve the purpose. Accept the fact that in spite of being born in the same family, you both are different and he may not like the things that you love. Make the bonds stronger by being the first one to talk. All the best.

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Secrets to Successful Long Term Relationship

To make a successful relationship, it is important that both the partners understand each other and are ready to compromise things for each other. Secrets to successful long-term relationship include being by each others side through thick and thin. Some of the secrets are mentioned below:

Trust: Trusting your partner completely will make your relationship a success. Sometimes we start doubting our spouse (especially girls) because we cannot share our loved ones with anyone else; but this is wrong. Give your spouse the space that they need and things will become amazing for you. Let your partner spend time with his friends, this is a man’s way of relaxing and if you keep on nagging him with unnecessary questions, you will only end up fighting.

Communication: good or bad, talk to your spouse about everything that is in your mind. Discuss things that are bothering you and listen to what he wants to say. Be your partner’s confidant and make him feel loved from time to time.

Time: The basic ingredient to make a relationship work is time. Spend time with your partner and express your affection. Go on dates and long drives in spite of your busy schedule. Work and family can wait but make sure you do not compromise on the time that you have to spend with your partner.

Intimacy: Keep the intimacy and spark alive in the relationship to make it strong and long lasting. Small gestures of love like bringing flowers or cooking your partner’s favorite meal will never go out of fashion. Hug and kiss your spouse frequently and make them feel loved so that your relationship becomes stronger.

All the points mentioned above are the secrets to a successful long term relationship. It is very easy to get bored in a long term relationship but what is important is to keep the spark alive. Indulge in things that your partner enjoys and be his friend rather than just a spouse.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Things I would Like to Tell My Younger Self

Sometimes in a marriage we start thinking of things that went wrong, some things that could be changed and some things that we regret and we feel like writing a letter to our younger self to refrain from doing all those mistakes. Things I would like to tell my younger self are mentioned below:

Well, if given a chance to tell certain things to my younger self, I would definitely tell myself not to marry (pun intended). I would tell myself that be with the person who makes you happy and content. Marriage is one of the most fulfilling relationships and if you are not happy in it, it is irrelevant to stay married.

For all the readers who are wondering what my next point would be, well it is to avoid fights. Fights are good for a relationship but having arguments daily can take the life out of the relationship. To make a bonding successful, it is important to know how to resolve conflicts and forget the mistakes of each other.

From my relationship I have learnt not to have unrealistic expectations from your partner. Among the things that I would like to tell my younger self, I would tell myself to be more giving and less expecting. True peace comes from being there for each other. It is absolutely wrong to expect things from your partner that you would never do on your own.

Respecting each other and being a support system for your spouse is another thing that couples these days should keep in mind. A successful marriage is a result of lots of respect. Couples who do not respect each other are often the ones who end up being separated from each other. When friends and family leave you, you will only have your spouse beside you, being your support.

Have your priorities set in order to have a happy married life. Make your partner your priority and you will never fail in a relationship. Work and children can wait but if the intimacy in the relationship is lost, it can never be regained. Make time for your partner and go on dates and long drives, talk to your partner about your feelings and listen to what he wants to say.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Unmistakable Signs That He’s Not Interested in You

Hello dear readers, I am back with yet another interesting topic that will save many a girls from falling into a wrong relationship. Falling in love can be an awesome experience but be sure that the other person loves you the same way because many a times we tend to ignore some unmistakable signs that he’s not interested and regret it later. Some of the most common signs that he is not into you are mentioned below:

Flirts with other girls: One of the most common signs that he is not interested in you is when he flirts with other girls in front of you. He passes comments and talks about other girls in front of you, not just this, he also talks about the other girl in his life and how charming she looks. Make sure you don’t fool yourself if this is the scenario because chances are he is just playing with your feelings.

Does not plan a date: Do you always ask the man out for dinner date? If yes then you are doing it wrong. A man who loves you will ask you out and plan a beautiful date with you. He is not busy with work, he is simply not planning because he does not want to get involved with you.

Lets you pay: Another important sign showing that he is not interested in you is when he lets you pay for everything that you two do together. From paying bills on dates to paying for the shopping that he does, if you are paying all the bills then your love is one sided. A man who loves a woman will never let her pay for anything even if she insists on doing so.

All the points mentioned above will help the girls who are living is a dream world about their relationship. Sometimes it is important to have a practical outlook towards life so that a filthy heartbreak can be avoided.